Catherine and Zara eloped on a misty, drizzly afternoon on top of Calton Hill last month. They chose their ceremony location primarily because of their connection to Beltane, the Gaelic May Day festival. Beltane is traditionally held on 1 May and celebrates the return of summer. And Catherine and Zara decided to tie the knot just the day after.
What is more, another reason why they chose this exact spot for their elopement were treasured memories of time spent together on Calton Hill. And the views couldn’t have been more incredible, especially on a moody and cloudy day.
Their interfaith wedding ceremony brought a number of aspects of their cultures together – it included handfasting with four different tartans, exchange of wedding rings, candle lighting and sage burning. As it was important to them to include different traditions, aspects of their lives and shared heritage – which is why things which represented their culture and family played a big role in their ceremony, especially since they decided to elope. Some of Catherine and Zara’s new piercing jewellery in their ears represented a Sikh wedding culture – an unbreakable tie.
And despite it being a relatively chilly and windy day, lighting a candle and burning sage was also included in the ceremony.
Having a just us wedding feels right, Catherine and Zara said when I asked why they made a decision to have a an outdoor but private wedding in the city they both love, with just two guests as their witnesses.
Once the ceremony was over, the papers were signed and some tears of joy were shed, Catherine and Zara shared a wee glass of champagne with their witnesses, Hazel and I. Afterwards, we explored all the dark, beautiful corners of Edinburgh Old town to create a gallery of magical wedding photos for them.
Celebrant Reverend Hazel Jane
Accommodation: Photographer’s Studio at Rock House
Florist Snapdragon
Mehndi artists @inspirebyrahima @monamehndi
Hair House of Lilith
Piercings @boldandgoldpiercingart
Rings @vanillainkuk
Alterations Zara @altergirlscarol
Alterations Catherine @weddingbelleslterations
What is an interfaith ceremony though? I know you may be curious.
An interfaith wedding celebration consists of a couple with two different religious backgrounds combine both of their faiths’ rituals and traditions throughout their wedding. So it’s about blending two worlds, customs and things that are important to you together.
In Scotland though, most interfaith marriages are often established as civil marriages, so they aren’t always religious. And they can also be described as spiritual, but not necessarily interfaith.
If you’re planning an interfaith elopement in Scotland, I’d love to hear from you!